What Is The Difference Between Malaysian Curly & Malaysian Wavy

Confusing and overwhelming are two words that tends to be the topic of conversation when I speak with women about choosing a hair texture. Today we are dissecting two textures from the Malaysian Line. Though, these textures come from single donors from Malaysia, it is significant differences between the two. The textures are strongly impacted by ethnic and genetic factors. Malaysia has a rich and diverse ethnicity group; with Chinese, Indian, and European ancestral history, this region offers multiple textures of hair. Today we will explore the differences between Malaysian Curly and Malaysian Wavy, you will feel less overwhelmed by the end of this blog.

Malaysia is a country located in South East Asia. This beach town is filled with diversity and cultural influences stemming from China, India, and Europe. Our Malaysian donors offer many textures. Muse offers two currently, curly and wavy. The wavy texture is one of our top sellers. When I wear the wavy texture i usually don't have to curl this hair; at night I twist the hair and throw on my bonnet. When I wake up the next morning, the wavy Malaysian hair falls right into place, the wave is flowing and bouncy. By all means you can curl the wavy hair for a desired look, but I am always on the go, with the wavy texture you can just brush and keep it moving. I strongly suggest you use very little product on the wavy hair, too much product will weigh the hair down and take away the bouncy fullness of the wavy texture. I prefer a lightweight hair polisher or serum weekly along with washing and condition the hair every 10 days to maintain my look. Malaysian curly texture is slightly different. This texture has a tighter coiled curl unlike the lose body wave of the Malaysian wavy . Malaysian curly is great for natural hairstyles; this hair should only be combed or detangled when wet with conditioner and a wide tooth comb or a venting brush. If you brush the Malaysian curly hair dry it will give you a more Afro look, that is fine if that is the look you are going for. If you want to maintain the curly aspect of the hair, be sure to only comb wet and allow to air dry to re-activate the natural curl. I personally recommend using a leave in conditioner twice a week when wearing this texture, be sure to wash and condition every 10 days.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate neither texture is better than the other, the question is which textures is better for you? What desired look are you trying to achieve? Don't be afraid to asked your stylist for texture recommendations when choosing your virgin remy hair. 



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